By Raghad Fathaddin, Founder & CEO

Sangha “Estidama Hub” was first named Sangha Love Is Coming. It was inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh walking meditation, in which I envisioned a huge silent march of people and leaders marching together in solidarity advocating for love and bringing love back following his walking meditation technique, which I still would very much love to achieve. But then, in February 2020, Covid-19 hit Paris, France as strong as uncertainty hit me. And that’s when Sangha took the streets as an outlet. I ordered chalk online and started spreading messages of love and hope in the streets of Paris, nudging the subconscious mind to reflect and reassess the reality we chose to accept.
On 2nd May 2020, Sangha joined the community of Paris 75004 and 75005 during Covid-19 pandemic confinement and discovered the following:
- Kids understand, probably better than adults do; because their hearts are still open. They use their hearts to see and discover the world around them. So, next time you are around a child try to be a student rather than just a teacher for once.

-Every elderly person, 50+, Sangha came across today, as we were coloring the streets of Paris, started to share memories of their past, of what they used to draw and how. We were happy to briefly meet their inner child. When was the last time you connected with your inner child?

-The main messages people wanted to share and draw the most were “freedom, peace, dreams, love, unity and happiness”, which confirms that our nature is love; craving to express some beauty.

-Finally, art truly has the ability to unite and heal us. We think we are strangers, only when we haven’t met ourselves yet, but once we do and if we truly look within we’ll realize that we are connected.
What about you, what have the pandemic taught you?

#AllAsOne #paris #France #art #streetart #pandemic #Covid #community #sangha #LoveIsComing #PandemicLessons